姓名 | 蔡宗儒 |
辦公室電話 | +886-2-2621-5656 ext. 3390 |
辦公室地址 | B804 |
個人網站 | http://mail.tku.edu.tw/078031 |
個人著作參考網址 | 請點選這裡 |
學歷 | 國立政治大學統計研究所博士 |
經歷 | Aug. 2001-- Present Professor, Department of Statistics, Tamkang University Aug. 2004 -- Jul. 2010 Chairman, Department of Statistics, Tamkang University Feb. 1996 -- Jul. 2001 Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Tamkang University Aug. 1992 -- Jan. 1996 Instructor, Department of Statistics, Tamkang University Aug. 1989-- Jul. 1990 Teaching Assistant, Department of Statistics, Tamkang University Mar. 2008-- Present Executive Editor, International Journal of Intelligence Technologies and Applied Statistics Jan. , 2007-- Jun. 2011 Serve in the Editorial Board, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Dec. 2003--Dec. 2008 Managing Editor, Journal of Taiwan Intelligent and Applied Statistics (in Chinese) Visiting Scholar at the School of Statistics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (China) Visiting Scholar at the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Kansas State University (USA) Acted as Referee for the following Journals |
類別 | 專任師資 |
職稱 | 教授兼商管學院院長 |
研究專長 | 品質管制、可靠度分析 |
討論區 | 討論區連結 |
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